
Nulla luctus tellus id magna posuere, ac semper quam cursus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce eu erat tincidunt, dapibus sem scelerisque, dapibus nibh. Proin fringilla, est non fermentum cursus, elit nibh hendrerit velit, vitae congue neque augue sed odio. Aliquam fermentum, ligula iaculis tristique rhoncus, turpis nisi dignissim lorem, a dictum dolor sapien ac massa. Nulla luctus tellus id magna posuere, ac semper quam cursus. Suspendisse a efficitur libero.

Vestibulum et aliquet dui. Donec facilisis dolor vel massa ornare ultricies. Ut venenatis tincidunt felis, bibendum tincidunt sem tincidunt id. Donec vestibulum massa nec nisl ultrices, maximus fringilla enim finibus. Sed nec venenatis sem, a porttitor lorem. Curabitur est massa, volutpat quis fermentum at, maximus sit amet mi. Etiam turpis dolor, posuere ut egestas sit amet, lacinia id velit. Etiam et sagittis risus. 

Sharon McDonell - Artist

Sharon McDonell grew up on a small farm in Glengarry County, Ontario, Canada, where she began painting in oils & acrylics at age 10.   After high school, she was accepted into the BFA program at Queen’s University, Kingston where she completed her first year but ultimately switched programs.  She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and has worked in the Canadian Film/TV industry for the past 26.  In spite of her demanding career as a Costume Designer, Set Supervisor and Textile Artist, Sharon continued to paint between projects and periodically displayed her work in juried exhibitions & group shows.   In January of 2019 she applied for and was granted ‘Active Status’ membership with the Federation of Canadian Artists - a huge encouragement for her.   In June 2019 she bought a little (dilapidated) house on the Raisin River near Williamstown, South Glengarry and after extensive renovation, she is now opening her own art studio in her renovated home by the river.  


Two Things: